
Why study psychology?

Students who study psychology will focus on understanding research relating to why people behave, feel and think the way they do, while gaining skills and experience to work in human service or research settings.

  • Expert professors, who each lead active social science research, support students’ individual interests within the psychological field when picking classes and research projects.
  • Half of psychologists work in counseling or clinical areas, while the remainder spread across areas as diverse as neuropsychology, human factors in product development and psychometrics.
  • Students engage in psychology study abroad, get involved in research and gain hands-on experience in a practicum.
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Augustana University and Dr. Lucas Hamiliton, assistant professor of psychology and director of the aging studies program, are partnering with Active Generations — a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting positive aging for adults. Learn more at

Beginning in the fall, Augustana University will offer a major in neuroscience. The major will be in addition to the neuroscience minor, which launched in Fall 2022, as well as a neuroscience emphasis for psychology majors.

Augustana University student Lara Matuck ‘25, of São Paulo, Brazil, is a biology major with a pre-veterinarian concentration and psychology minor. She is interning this summer at Good Life Farms in Canton, South Dakota, which is owned and operated by AU faculty.